Bred by us... Dogs that love to work!

WildRiver's Remember The Night TKN RATO
Freddie X Numa (2019)
Klaus lives in Virginia. He is
multi-talented. Klaus is trained for field
work. He retrieves birds for hunters. His
favorite are duck and pheasant. He also
trains in agility and Barn Hunt.
Freddie X Numa (2019)
Klaus lives in Virginia. He is
multi-talented. Klaus is trained for field
work. He retrieves birds for hunters. His
favorite are duck and pheasant. He also
trains in agility and Barn Hunt.

WildRiver's Dark Dream CGCA EN
Freddie X Numa (2018)
Odin lives in Illinois. He is trained
in Nosework and has earned his
Elite Nosework Title!
Freddie X Numa (2018)
Odin lives in Illinois. He is trained
in Nosework and has earned his
Elite Nosework Title!

WildRiver's Shazam! CAA FCAT TKN ATT
Freddie x Numa (2019)
Zinc lives in Tennesee. He is trained
in several different sports including coursing
ability, FastCat, and conformation. Zinc also
passed his AKC temperament test.
Freddie x Numa (2019)
Zinc lives in Tennesee. He is trained
in several different sports including coursing
ability, FastCat, and conformation. Zinc also
passed his AKC temperament test.